Energy Musings. Here. Now.
Study the Way of Nature, The Tao. The Be-ing ness of all that is living & breathing. The place that exists outside the thinking mind. The force that makes your heartbeat, your blood flow, that builds cells inside us constantly. Some call this meditation. Some call it prayer. Some call it surrender.
Notice how much is happening constantly outside the processes of your thoughts. Thoughts sometimes get in the way. Thoughts sometimes are very useful. But our inability to know which is which can become problematic.
Can you take a moment to look at and observe a situation from this “thought-less” place, taking a cue from Nature itself? Forget about what you “think”…..What do you notice? Can you differentiate between thinking and noticing? Awareness and thought? When you connect to that awareness place there is almost an immediate feeling of settling. Everything becomes calm, relaxed and more vivid. This is clear mind. In this place of clarity you will not feel hooked or triggered.
Take a deep breath in…. and let it go. Close your eyes. Connect to your nature.
Word of the day: Nature. “…in the Chinese language, the word which we render as ‘nature’ has a special meaning not found in its English equivalent. Translated literally, it means ‘self-so’. For to the Chinese, nature is what works and moves by itself without having to be shoved about, wound up, or controlled by conscious effort.” From Alan Watts “Become What You Are”
Thought of the day: Study the Tao: “…Anything you can define or imagine, anything you can understand or desire, is not the Tao.” From Alan Watts “Become What You Are”
Song of the day: Looking for Space by John Denver.