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Tuesday Jan 8, 2019


Energy Musings. Here. Now.


Its a new year, and the beginning of a new cycle.  Mindful of course, that we are continuously cycling so to consider starting and ending points is somewhat arbitrary.  The opportunity to begin again, to bring in the new exists in each and every breath. Not on any calendar date.  Though we celebrate the full and new moon with rituals, the moon of course, is always in a cycle.  And each step of the way is in fact significant.  Each phase has its lessons, its rewards and its challenges.

Its easy to get swept up into the drama and majesty of those end/beginning points.  And to anchor into a particular point is not necessarily irrelevant. But really, the important question is:  where are you in your cycle?  where are you in this cycle?  What are the beginnings and what are the endings that are present right here for you?  In other words, locate yourself in the cycle rather than just imposing it onto you. Without forcing events into a label or construct, just see what is present.  Perhaps, on this New Year, for you it was about closure, or opening, or just being in the middle of it all.  The structure of cycles is fluid and encourages us to pay attention to the moment we are in, not to label ourselves prematurely or absentmindedly.

I’m not quite in “new year” mode yet as dictated by cultural phenomena around me. I’m still shedding, clearing, becoming lighter and more spacious. This process takes the time it takes… no more no less.  And when my “new year” moment arrives, I will greet it with celebration, joy and open arms no matter what date it lands on, no matter what the phase of the moon offers.

Sending blessings on this cycle, your cycle and all cycles,  all-ways.

Peace. Jeneen

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