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on Inspiration


January, 2018

Inspiration. Its whats on my mind this wild wonderful Winter.  Honestly,  its what’s always on my mind.  As an Artist, inspiration is the fire to my soul; what keeps me joyful, enlivened and vibrant.  Someone at the museum after my workshop today commented “you always have so much energy”!  I would re-frame that:  I’m always deeply inspired.  By everything I see, feel, do, create.  It doesn’t mean I necessarily find it all easy or comfortable or even ‘good’.  But this world, this life, my breath, every person I meet, I am most truly inspired by.  Call it living life in a constant state of being taken by happy surprise or in a state of awe. Each moment, precious and new and full of wonder.  The ‘energy’ I have, is from this connection to inspiration.  I live and breathe it.

Consider this for a moment.  The literal definition of ‘inspiration’:

in·spi·ra·tion:  noun

  1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

  2. the drawing in of breath; inhalation.

That just blew my mind:  the drawing in of breath.  Inspiration.  to do or feel something, especially something Creative.  Inspiration.

Wow. Did you get that?  Did you feel it?  Did it sink in?

Inspiration IS in every breath, because it IS the breath.  This is available to us all, in every moment, to live a life aware of and engaged in inspiration.  It’s not just the domain of the Artist.  What a powerful understanding and teaching.

This year, I wish you all an inspired life.  And I’m cultivating and creating workshops, retreats, series and classes designed to hold you and guide you to this place of inspiration.

May we walk this journey together, with love & inspiration.

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