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Fri, June 10 – Sun, June 12, 2016


Energy Musings.  Here.  Now.

This Weekend!

Equanimity brings peace, healing and profound states of awakening.  It allows us the space and ability to not get triggered by our blind spots.

Blind spots are exactly this:  we are truly “blind” to them.  Once you see it, once you know it, you have the ability to shine the light there.  But true blind spots, by their nature, are not seen.  We even may stubbornly refuse to look at them when others point them out.  This is part of the difficulty in a lively debate over ideological issues or belief systems.  The inability to listen and see what another person may be pointing out as a blind spot in our own thinking.  Pay attention to this.

But all of that resolves if we can come into this graceful state of Equanimity.  Equanimity literally translates as  the combination of the Latin words: “aequus” meaning level or equal and “animus” meaning soul or mind. But it is more than just the combination of these words.  It is a blame free, trigger free state of discernment that allows one to see clearly through many layers of mist, fog and confusion.   Hostility, defensiveness and ill will are notably completely absent in this state of Equanimity.

Often we see anger and frustration as natural manifestations of what we call “passion”.  In fact, we almost expect them to give legitmacy to a persons words.  But Equanimity does not need or rely on these exuberant expressions.  It rests in a soulful, mindful place of awareness… what Buddhists call “the middle way”.

In a world, or in a time, when tempers flare, divisions are heightened, and dissatisfaction becomes the norm, it is extremely challenging (and quite unpopular!) to embrace this place of Equanimity.  However, it is in these times when it is needed most.  When the value of the vision created by Equanimity has the most importance and the most to teach us.

Listen. Listen.  and come into Equanmity as best you can .  Especially in a hostile, heated, argumentative debate or situation.  And just notice the affect this has on You and those around you.

Word of the Weekend:  Equanimity

Song of the Weekend: Equanimity by Ryan Stuart (piano composition)

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