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Monday, November 30


The last day of November leads us into the last month of 2015.  On this day, take time to consider how you want to end your year.  Let go of the trials and tribulations from the previous months, let go of disappointments as well as accomplishments, what is here for you right now?  What do you want to create?  How might you want to change or shift things to close 2015?

Today is a day for setting that intention, prayer or request in motion.  Looking gently….gently forward, see the rest of 2015 unfolding exactly how you would vision it.  Don’t focus so much on the physical details (though this may play into it!)  focus instead on your inner feeling, your inner state.  How do you want to show up in your life, your family and your community for the month of December?  Keep it simple and keep it focussed.  Find a way to remind yourself of this every day this coming month.

For today, take your first step in creating the life you most desire…. set your intention .

Word of the day:  intention

Song of the day:  put one foot in front of the other

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