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Monday, September 11th, 2017.


Energy Musings. Here. Now.


Theres no way any of us here, now, can write that date at the top of the page and not remember.  The question is, what comes up for you in the “remembering”?  I don’t mean, “where were you when…..”? I don’t mean to remember that particular moment in your life, or in our country’s history.  I mean:  whats happening on the inside of you, on a cellular, molecular level? What traumas still remain?  What wounds still need healing?  What do you feel and sense on the inside?  How deep are you willing to look?

As we tune into our subtle body, our subtle awareness, a level of information is released that often goes unnoticed for long periods (lifetimes?).  Its time to acknowledge those most subtle remnants, to honor and hear and heal them.  In a world where the loudest, boldest, biggest, brightest, newest, trendiest get all the attention, it becomes even more crucial to turn inward to plant our Intention  on the smallest, softest, quietest places within and among us.  Without this work, there will be no balance.  Without this work, there will be no equilibrium.  Without this work, there be no inner or outer peace.

In honoring & healing the collective and personal trauma of Sept 11, the invitation is to turn inward.  Listen, listen deeper still. Place you hand on your heart, your belly, your hips, your head…. listen to these places.

What is here for you?  What feelings emerge?  What thought patterns are triggered?  What physical sensations arise?  Give them your attention. Give them your intention.  Your intention to hear, heal, clear and pray.

Then with a deep long inhale, take it all in and then…. Let it go.

Word of the Day: Sapience (are we not ‘homo-Sapiens?’)

Song of the Day:  The Walker by Fitz and the Tantrums

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