Energy Musings. Here. Now.
This Weekend. Activity, movement, commitments, obligations are highlighted this weekend. There are things to do, places to go, people to see. It may be challenging to find that time to “catch your breath”. Allow the influx of active energy to fuel, feed and excite you rather than drain, exhaust or frustrate you.
What is it that you need to do to maintain this balanced perspective amidst this heavily active weekend? Meditate? Rest? Create? Smile? Breathe Deep? Laugh about it? Consult a good friend? Read a book? Drink more coffee? Drink less coffee?
If you feel yourself getting caught up in any form of anxiety, remember to pause. In that moment, can you notice what is happening on a cellular level and gently, lovingly shift it? Its OK if you can’t. Just the ability to pause may be enough.
This weekend celebrate the abundance of life and opportunity all around you. It is a gift for you. And remember to pause.
Word of the weekend: Active
Song of the weekend: Places to Go by Anouk