Energy Musings. Here. Now.
The last full week of September brings some resolution to what has been a month of change and adjustment. As pieces being to fall into place for this season, notice where they have landed. Notice what you were expecting and how things have turned out differently. Without judgement or even analysis, just notice.
In this space of noticing the shifts that have naturally, rhythmically occurred, pay attention to you mis-placed attention. Where were you “trying too hard”, forcing an issue or agenda? Now, gently come in to a more unified alignment with your life, your work, your family, your relationships, your SELF. To do this takes a bit of detached reflection and a lot of coming in to the present moment with acceptance and gratitude.
Make the time for this acknowledgement this week in some form. A prayer? A moment of silence? A ceremony? An outing? A retreat? It can be big or small, take hours or minutes. It can be with a group or by yourself. You get to decide the form it takes. This acknowledgement will help pave the way for the rooting that will be taking place over the next few months.
This is not a time to push stubbornly for something you think you “should” be doing . Rather, its a time to appreciate what IS. Take a deep breath, and let it go. Remembering, theres a time and place for everything.
word of the day: Phlegm. (this word came up when I was looking up syn. for patience. Interesting) 1.the thick mucus secreted in the respiratory passages and discharged through the mouth, especially that occurring in the lungs and throat passages, as during a cold. of the four elemental bodily humors of medieval physiology,regarded as causing sluggishness or apathy. 3.sluggishness, indifference, or apathy.
4.self-possession, calmness, or composure.
song of the day: Telling it like it is by T.U.M.E.