Energy Musings. Here. Now.
Discern. Don’t just follow. Don’t just ‘go with the flow’. Don’t just repeat what you heard. Pay closer attention. And closer still. Practice true discernment.
As you discern, you use all your faculties. From the physical to the mental to the energetic. Do not ignore any information. Rather, take it all in. Take it ALL in. And from your clear place, gently move whatever is not relevant or ‘true’ to the side. Coaxing “Not here, not now.”
This place of discernment takes time, skill, work, effort and awareness to cultivate. If you are feeling “out of it” today or you are just not sure how clear your discerning eye is seeing…. turn to a trusted friend, mentor, teacher, colleague, who you believe is impeccably discerning. Ask for their guidance. Remembering, we don’t have to figure this all out on our own. We all sometimes stumble or have difficulty. Reaching for each other is as natural as our breath in and out.
I don’t believe that any one person is ever “out ahead” of all the rest. I see our process of E-volution as one hand reaching out to pull another person up above them and then that person in turn reaching back to pull up someone else. In this way, we ‘share’ the leadership. In this way, we inform each other and keep each other focussed, honest, real, true and evolving. This is how we co-awaken. We reach for each other when appropriate, We climb higher when appropriate.
Today, see where you are on this imaginary ladder. If your discernment is clear, take a step up and then see who needs your hand. If your discernment is murky, look for the hand that is available to you right now. In all cases, we move forward together.
Word of the Day: Discernment
Song of the Day: Moving Right Along